man I have got to fix the pictures.
I decided on the chrome grille, it comes with a new bumper for ten dollars more anyway, and If I want to, I can repaint the entire thing shiny black.
there's also this grill.
If I am going to go with the phantom look, I think I am going to go with this one, the all black is really doing it for me.
If I am going to go with the phantom look, I think I am going to go with this one, the all black is really doing it for me.
Here's another picture: From this angle you can see the dent in the rear bumper more clearly. I also apparently need to get some rustproof screws, as I can see rust coming out of a screwhole in my fancy taillights.
Also, if you look part way up the back of my car, a little below the spoiler, on the metal part surrounding the rear window, you should be able to see a good sized dent. I wonder if this one will ever come out, I expect I'll have to use putty or something on it.
You can also see some damage in the huge CHEVROLET plastic... "peice" on the back end. I wonder If I am going to take it off completely, I kind of like it. I'll maybe get a new one, allthough there seems to be some hot debate as to whether or not I should keep this a "classic" blazer (two-color paint scheme, chevrolet plastic peice, blazer 4X4 peices on side...) or if I should somply make it an unlabeled car in pitch shiny black. I can see reasons for both, and I really wanted a paint job from extreme-paint, but those are in the neighborhood of 3,000-5,000 dollars. I'm allready looking at that much for the brand new engine and transmission, so... I'll probably go all black. the 4X4 emblems are probably going to go, although they might stay If I decide to keep the 4X4. which I'd like to... but probably won't.
you can also see that my drivers door is ajar.

Also, if you look part way up the back of my car, a little below the spoiler, on the metal part surrounding the rear window, you should be able to see a good sized dent. I wonder if this one will ever come out, I expect I'll have to use putty or something on it.
You can also see some damage in the huge CHEVROLET plastic... "peice" on the back end. I wonder If I am going to take it off completely, I kind of like it. I'll maybe get a new one, allthough there seems to be some hot debate as to whether or not I should keep this a "classic" blazer (two-color paint scheme, chevrolet plastic peice, blazer 4X4 peices on side...) or if I should somply make it an unlabeled car in pitch shiny black. I can see reasons for both, and I really wanted a paint job from extreme-paint, but those are in the neighborhood of 3,000-5,000 dollars. I'm allready looking at that much for the brand new engine and transmission, so... I'll probably go all black. the 4X4 emblems are probably going to go, although they might stay If I decide to keep the 4X4. which I'd like to... but probably won't.
you can also see that my drivers door is ajar.

I set up a cooler link to this page from the other one. yay! hopefully I'll have pictures of her getting nicer in a month!
THe pictures should come up now. If they don't, try clicking a link and then hitting back. I've found that works.
Here's one from the front. the grill, which is three peices of plastic, is going to be replaced. I thought about two grills, and would like input. the first is a strong like-look, the second is the phantom-like (no headlights) look. I like the phantoms alot, but it's a couple hundred more. If I get input, please only tell me which one you think looks cooler.
here's the air dam that I want to put under the front bumper.
(both grills from sport trucking store, the air dam is from prestigious accesories.)
here's the air dam that I want to put under the front bumper.

(both grills from sport trucking store, the air dam is from prestigious accesories.)
looking at this picture, the first thing i realize is that the sidepeices on the spoiler are going to have to be slightly larger. I had already intended to change the shape to something else, like a tilted box orsomething slightly triangular...
I am debating on what I should do with the luggage rack on top, I have only used it once to transport a bed for my little brother, and I could have done that without it. I don't know whether or not it will look good without it.

I am debating on what I should do with the luggage rack on top, I have only used it once to transport a bed for my little brother, and I could have done that without it. I don't know whether or not it will look good without it.
Here it is, as it is right now. from the side. If you click on the picture, it will load a larger one... and in that one, if you look along the bottom closely, you can see some rust allover the undercarriage. you can also see lots of assorted bumps and places where the paint is worn or scratched.
The guy standing in the background is Walker, he's driving his girlfriend Mary to class and got caught in the picture. The red at the bottom of the picture is the tailgate of wes's truckbed, i had to stand in it for this one.
this is a picture of my blazer,as it is right now.
The guy standing in the background is Walker, he's driving his girlfriend Mary to class and got caught in the picture. The red at the bottom of the picture is the tailgate of wes's truckbed, i had to stand in it for this one.

this is a picture of my blazer,as it is right now.
here is a picture of the blazer from the rear. I am debating whether or not it should become all black, with the spoiler on the back like that it would look like a predator or something.
If you clisk on the picture, it will take you to a larger one. if you look ath the back bumper you can see that it appears to be sagging on the right side; there is a large dent in the left (I think my grandad got it from backing into a light post, but I am not sure) of the bumper. also, on the right side, top of the bumper, you can see the remnants of the tire carrier, which nver was fully removed.
Right below the "O" in chevrolet, it is also possible to see a couple of black spots. this is where I filled some holes left by the abscence of the tire carrier with rubber plugs.
I think I want to replace the old and dented back bumper with this roll pan.
(roll pan from prestigious accesories)
If you clisk on the picture, it will take you to a larger one. if you look ath the back bumper you can see that it appears to be sagging on the right side; there is a large dent in the left (I think my grandad got it from backing into a light post, but I am not sure) of the bumper. also, on the right side, top of the bumper, you can see the remnants of the tire carrier, which nver was fully removed.
Right below the "O" in chevrolet, it is also possible to see a couple of black spots. this is where I filled some holes left by the abscence of the tire carrier with rubber plugs.

I think I want to replace the old and dented back bumper with this roll pan.
(roll pan from prestigious accesories)
A little bit about project STall:
It took me a couple of weeks to figure out what it was I wanted to name that blazer, or at least, wanted to name it as it evolved from the 2.8L S-10 it is to hopefully the 5.7L monster it will be.
It got its name because currently, the project itself is stalled and stalling, and the BLAZER itself always stalls anyway (>:|).... so there's that. the capital letters stand for supertruck... I wanted to go with some sort of an SS look and if I could somehow get a painted ST on it somewhere when it's done... but then, that's way to far ahead to plan. it may just become SS.
What I intend to do, is replace the current 2.8 156,000 mile engine in my S-10 blazer with a new 350 HO engine. this is going to be alot of work, and a lot of rewiring, but I won't expect any less. I am also going to replace the transmission with a high performance 700R4 transmission, do some bodywork, and replace the underside components.
Don't check back anytime soon. I don't have the time to do much now... but over christmas I might be getting some random accesories.
It took me a couple of weeks to figure out what it was I wanted to name that blazer, or at least, wanted to name it as it evolved from the 2.8L S-10 it is to hopefully the 5.7L monster it will be.
It got its name because currently, the project itself is stalled and stalling, and the BLAZER itself always stalls anyway (>:|).... so there's that. the capital letters stand for supertruck... I wanted to go with some sort of an SS look and if I could somehow get a painted ST on it somewhere when it's done... but then, that's way to far ahead to plan. it may just become SS.
What I intend to do, is replace the current 2.8 156,000 mile engine in my S-10 blazer with a new 350 HO engine. this is going to be alot of work, and a lot of rewiring, but I won't expect any less. I am also going to replace the transmission with a high performance 700R4 transmission, do some bodywork, and replace the underside components.
Don't check back anytime soon. I don't have the time to do much now... but over christmas I might be getting some random accesories.
I just started this blog. This one is going to be like ray and gayle buck's chevy asylum page (in that I am going to try to detail everything I do), but will have to do mostly only with my 1988 blazer. at least, for now. hopefully I will be able to get something else later.